Ethiopia Guji Alaka GR1 Natural


Sweet and rich aromas with a cup full of plum reduction, black forest cake and blackberry. Delicious!

Dimtu, Alaka, Guji, Oromia, Ethiopia

1800-2200 MASL

GR1 Heirloom varietals


Gizaw Alemayehu


We've released this coffee along with another brilliant but different Guji Natural from Bitoya. These coffees are standout Guji's from a region with a reputation for some of the finest coffees in the world!

Click HERE to purchase both coffees together at 15% off!

This lot is produced via the husband and wife team at G&F (Gizaw and Frehiwot Alemayehu). Alemayehu (Gizaw’ s father) produced coffee from his large privately owned coffee farms in the surrounding areas of Yirgacheffe until the new socialist government emerged in 1974 and nationalised his farms.

Scarred by these events, the then young Gizaw didn't see any future in farm ownership due to the harsh new government policies. Instead, along with his wife Frehiwot, he shifted his focus to coffee processing, using a modern approach in pursuit of his father’s vision.

For this coffee, ripe cherries are handpicked and delivered to the G&F wet-mill where they are floated for defects, graded, and then placed on raised African beds to dry. Coffee is shaded between 12-3pm during the hottest part of the day and turned frequently for steady drying until it reaches 11.5% in around 20-30 days. 

This beautiful and complex coffee has a lot of great 'dark' flavours - think dark fruits and dark chocolates and we're grateful for the opportunity to have it in our lineup! 

Thanks Gizaw and Frehiwot!

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